
I’m a little obsessed with listening to podcasts and probably subscribe to way too many ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And despite not having a podcast of my own, I love being on podcasts (let me know if you’re looking for someone to talk about SEO or Pinterest!) and have helped quite a few businesses with optimizing their podcasts […]

How to Use Keywords on Your Website to Rank Higher on Google

If you’ve heard anything about SEO before, you’ve likely heard the word “keywords” tossed around. Finding the right keywords to target is one of the first steps in optimizing your website to rank higher on Google, but you also have to make sure you actually USE the keywords you found. I can’t tell you how […]

If you’re a coach looking to grow your business and find more clients (or should I say, have more clients find you!) then you’ve come to the right place. When you rank well on Google, there is so much opportunity for potential clients to be able to easily find you—without you needing to spend tons […]

Does SEO really matter for your small business? Ok ok, you know I’m going to say it does. But let’s talk about why! Top benefits of SEO for small business What is SEO? SEO in a nutshell is the process of making your site easier for search engines to understand, which will help your rankings […]

Did you know that Pinterest is a search engine- not social media? Pinterest is adding more social media aspects, like the new Pinterest Stories, but at its core, it’s a search and discovery platform, which means that people go to Pinterest to find things. People don’t scroll on Pinterest like on Instagram and Facebook to […]

I am an SEO and Pinterest Consultant because besides having very different strategies, the concepts of ranking on Google and Pinterest are actually very similar! They are both search engines (although Pinterest is a visual search engine with pictures), and people use them to search for inspiration or answers to questions. Search engines are great […]

I talk about a lot of SEO topics, but the one I get the most questions about is keywords! Keywords are only a small part of SEO, but they can be helpful for knowing what people are looking for and what’s even possible for you to rank for in Google. So if you’re struggling with […]

Keywords are the big buzzword when it comes to SEO, but I’ve found that they confuse more people than help! Many people think that using keywords are the main way to rank well on Google, and then they keyword stuff (or, use the keyword way too many times in a post) and it hurts their […]



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Julia Bocchese is located in Philadelphia, PA and serves SEO & Pinterest clients worldwide.
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© 2017-2023 Julia Renee Consulting