
You might be ranking well on Google- but are you set up to actually get traffic from Google? Title tags and meta descriptions are SUPER important not only to help you rank well on Google, but to drive traffic to your site when someone sees it on Google. You could rank well and see that […]

When I work with my SEO clients, I focus both on helping their sites rank higher in Google and on their site user experience because I don’t want them ranking well in Google just for the sake of ranking well. I want them to rank well AND have an awesome site set up to help […]

Most of the business owners I work with and talk to understand the importance of Google Analytics, but the majority of them don’t know anything about Google Search Console. So if that’s you, you’re not alone! I think Google Analytics gets a lot of attention because it has SO much information, and you can track […]

Showit is an AMAZING website platform, and lucky for you, it makes SEO so easy! If you’re not familiar with Showit, it’s a newer website platform, but it’s quickly become a favorite for people who work on websites. I’ve helped create a few Showit websites for clients, I’ve created two Showit websites of my own […]

Are you planning on focusing on your site’s SEO in the new year? All the business owners I know have big plans for the new year and I have some big goals here at Julia Renee Consulting. If one of your plans is to get your SEO in order, I am here to help! Google […]

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a recent little rant in my Instagram Stories because a digital marketer with a fairly large following wrote a very misinformed post about why you shouldn’t hire someone to help with your SEO (if you missed it, I saved the stories under the highlight called […]

I talk about a lot of SEO topics, but the one I get the most questions about is keywords! Keywords are only a small part of SEO, but they can be helpful for knowing what people are looking for and what’s even possible for you to rank for in Google. So if you’re struggling with […]

Guest post written by Lauren Taylar Do you have a Squarespace website, but you’re not sure how to optimize it to give your blog posts the best chance of ranking high up on the Google search results? Then keep reading because this post is for you! SEO for Squarespace But before we go any further, […]

Keywords are the big buzzword when it comes to SEO, but I’ve found that they confuse more people than help! Many people think that using keywords are the main way to rank well on Google, and then they keyword stuff (or, use the keyword way too many times in a post) and it hurts their […]

I know SEO is confusing, and there are 50 different steps to take to have the “perfect” post to rank well on Google. But I promise it doesn’t have to be that complicated! I have 5 stress-free, easy SEO tips for small businesses to help get your business ranked on Google (or other search engines) […]



Get my SEO cheat sheet for blog posts AND bonus training videos on 3 Stress Free SEO Strategies! (It's all easy to understand and implement, I promise!)

Julia Bocchese is located in Philadelphia, PA and serves SEO & Pinterest clients worldwide.
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