How to Get Clients from Pinterest with 4 Simple Steps

Pinterest is AMAZING for driving traffic to your site, but how can you actually get clients from Pinterest? Don’t worry, it’s not hard! And it can be easily integrated with your social media and SEO strategy.

So if you’ve been wondering how to get clients from Pinterest, let’s get started with the 4 simple steps!

How to Get Clients from Pinterest with 4 Easy Steps

This post is NOT going to go over how to get started on Pinterest and create a Pinterest strategy, so if you’re just getting started, I recommend reading my posts How to Use Pinterest for Small Businesses, Pinterest Strategy Tips for Small Businesses, Tailwind 101, and 6 Pinterest SEO Tips. This post is going to focus on getting clients once you already have a Pinterest strategy set up.

Create a strategy around your goals

What is the main goal for what you’re pinning on Pinterest? Are you trying to get more YouTube subscribers? Get more email subscribers? Sell your products? Or sell products with affiliate links?

Don’t just post videos or write blog posts and pin them just for traffic, make sure you have a goal in mind and build a strategy around it! If you’re trying to get more subscribers on your YouTube channel, focus on pins that are linking to your YouTube videos. If you want to sell more of your products, create pins for your products, and think about other ways you can feature your products on your site. You can write gift guides that include some of your products or offer discounts to your shop in your blog posts.

Pink planner with a phone and glasses

If you want to get more clients for your services, make sure your content is aligned with what your ideal clients are searching for. And don’t be afraid to mention your services in your blog posts!

Set up a sales funnel

This is something I’m still working out for my business, but a sales funnel is a great way to get clients. People come to Pinterest to find answers and spend money, but not everyone will read your blog post and immediately sign up for your services; they need to get to know you and your expertise more.

Data tracking on a computer

Think about someone you’ve hired for their services. After checking out their site, did you get their freebie and sign up for their email list and get to know them better? Did you join their free Facebook group to get feedback from them? Did you purchase a small product to see how a bigger investment could help you more? Think about the buyer’s journey and how you can get people coming from Pinterest to sign up for your email list or make a smaller investment to commit to a bigger commitment with your services down the road.

I’m not the sales funnel expert, so if you need help getting started with funnels, I recommend working with Ashley from Marketing with Ash or checking out her resources!

Show off your expertise

Make sure the content you’re creating isn’t just filled with fluff- show off your expertise! This is going to build trust with the reader (or viewer if you’re focused on videos) and show that you know your stuff.

If I want to get more Pinterest clients, I’m not going to just write a 200 word blog post on why I love Pinterest because that isn’t going to help anybody. I’m going to write posts like these that focus on one aspect of Pinterest and show that I know my stuff. If you’re interested in my Pinterest management services, this post is going to show you that I know how to guide my Pinterest clients in getting clients of their own from Pinterest!

So to get clients from Pinterest, you need to show your audience that you know your stuff and you can help them even more when they sign up for your services.

Woman on laptop with coding books

Create content that converts

Once you have your goals and sales funnel in mind, you need to be able to convert people with your content, and lucky for you, I have an entire blog post on how to write content that converts! Creating content has so many benefits for SEO and Pinterest, but I don’t want you to write blog posts just for the sake of writing blog posts. Your content should be part of your strategy to convert your audience to clients and customers.

You need to make sure that you’re creating content that your ideal client is actually searching for and show off your expertise, and it needs to answer a question or fulfill a need. By doing that, you’re anticipating their needs by creating content for it and capturing potential clients in various stages of their client journey with your business.

And one of my biggest recommendations is to make sure you have calls-to-action (CTAs) in your blog post or video. This helps give direction and have your audience take action once they’re done consuming your content. A CTA can be to leave a comment on your post and keep the conversation going, join your email list, check out your YouTube channel, view your services- whatever is aligned with your goal and sales funnel. And the more eye-catching and intriguing the CTA, the better!

Woman writing on a laptop with coffee

So if you’ve been trying to figure out how to get clients from Pinterest, make sure you have a goal in mind, set up a sales funnel, show off your expertise, and create content that converts! And don’t forget that Pinterest is a marathon, not a sprint, so these steps will pay off in the long run 🙂 If you want more help with getting your Pinterest strategy going, don’t forget to grab my Pinterest cheat sheet!

Save to Pinterest!

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  1. Heidi says:

    I love all your helo with Pinterest!

  2. Michelle says:

    This Pinterest post was so helpful! I just downloaded your cheat sheet -thank you!

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Julia Bocchese is located in Philadelphia, PA and serves SEO & Pinterest clients worldwide.
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